This report states that "many studies indicate that nanoparticles generally are more toxic when incorporated into the humnan body than larger particles of the same material. Experts are overwhelmingly of the opinion that the adverse effects of nanoparticles cannot be reliably predicted or derived from the known toxicity of the bulk material. The biggest concern is that free nanoparticles or nanotubes could be inhaled, absorbed through the skin or ingested." The study warns that it is unclear whether nanoparticles can pass from a pregnant woman’s body into an unborn child. Also noted in the report, "It is possible that durable, biopersistent nanoparticles may accumulate in the body, in particular in the lungs, in the brain and in the liver."
Authored by the Allianz Center for Technology and Allianz Global Risks, in co-operation with the OECD International.
Note from Breathe Free Oregon: This article is included because nanoparticles are in many cannabis and CBD products, including smoke and vape. In some cases, they are added to increase solubility of the oil in water to enhance absorption in the body. Nanoparticles are also byproducts of smoking and vaping.