Key Finding: State regulation of marijuana (pushed by the profit-hungry marijuana industry) has been a “sorry spectacle” even in the several states that have been at it for two decades. Studies have revealed that products containing marijuana contain high levels of microbiological and chemical contaminants (pesticides, fungus, heavy metals and solvents) which cause a myriad of human disease.
A few of the many horrific examples cited in the article:
An Alaskan manufacturer (a state with 20 years of medical marijuana) wasn’t tracking his marijuana and sold 114,000 untested edibles.
California’s (22 years of medical marijuana) governor, due to the disaster there, called in the National Guard to go after illegal cannabis farms (many of which are run by cartels).
A study by a news organization in California showed that there were pesticides in 93% of the samples of marijuana taken from 15 dispensaries. A USC chemistry professor said it would be like injecting pesticides right into your bloodstream.
In Colorado (19 years of medical marijuana) marijuana plant-derived oils may have Clostridium botulinum spores. There are concerns about micro-environment supporting C. botulinum growth and toxin formation.
The Utah Poison Control Center reported patients who experience altered mental states, seizures, confusion, loss of consciousness and hallucinations after exposure to a product labeled as CBD.
Just 3% of marijuana retailers and a third of growers in Oregon had been inspected (21 years of medical marijuana). The state still does not have a mechanism to verify test results and has not insured consistent practices among licensed labs to confirm products are reasonably safe.
Author: David G. Evans, Esq. of Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Legislators (CIVEL)
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